Kerryton Enterprises Private Limited


Disclaimer For Kerryton Enterprises Private Limited.

Disclaimer for Kerryton Enterprises Private Limited:

The terms and descriptions on this site are not intended to alter the independent legal entity status of Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd and its subsidiary corporations or affect the ownership and reporting relationship of unincorporated operating divisions.

Operating divisions are unincorporated entities owned by Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd or its subsidiaries.

Terms like “Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd,” “Enterprise,” “Company,” “Kerryton Family of Businesses,” and “Kerryton Businesses” refer to Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd and operating divisions. Unless specified, these terms denote the organizational structure of Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd. Legal entity names are detailed on appropriate site pages.

“Brand” refers to the product-associated name. Brand names used here do not necessarily denote the legal entity status.


You agree that your use of this site is at your sole risk. the site, materials, content, communications, and software provided are “as is,” without representations or warranties, express or implied. this includes merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. Some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, and thus, the exclusions may not apply.

Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of materials or content on this site. The company disclaims any warranties for material security or reliability and is not liable for damage to your computer equipment due to site access, use, or downloading of materials.

Materials on the site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd reserves the right to correct errors or omissions without notice. changes to the site, materials, products, programs, services, or prices may occur without prior notice.

For any inquiries or assistance, contact our customer service team at,  or  +91 70080 71281


Note: this disclaimer is subject to change, and updates will be communicated through the Kerryton Enterprises Pvt Ltd website.

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